Tag Archives: donation


16 Mar 20
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The book that this biopic is planned to be based on is my autobiography: ‘No Looking Back’ and which has been written as anonymously as possible. Some cities, states and institutions have been mentioned but on the whole, no human names have been mentioned … except mine.

The school where the bullying occurred is in NO WAY AT FAULT NOR IN THE LEAST BIT RESPONSIBLE FOR MY EXPERIENCES.


Yes, I snort. And I’m proud of my snort. It shows that I am having a darned good time. And it comes from ONLY that – having a good time and LAUGHING. No, I do not do the drug sort of snorting that possibly entered everyone’s head on reading that title (showing my ignorance again) – I actually wouldn’t know how to and I’m not remotely interested. But I do snort – have all my life and will continue to. So, for those who do end up working with me, be prepared and get used to it.

Now, to get on. First of all, I would like to express my huge gratitude to Brooke McKenzie whom has made an extremely generous donation to the funding of the film, in an effort to help get it moving. Brooke’s name will now appear in the credits on the screen, along with anyone else who wishes to donate something toward getting this movie up and out there – believe me, this would be more than welcome. However, if you want to remain

Dawson’s burrowing bees. On a road near Mt Augustus in Western Australia.

anonymous, that can also be organised. Please get in contact with me for the bank details. Donors do not have to be limited to those whom have anything to do with the movie, but anyone else who could be interested in helping out financially, is very welcome to do so.The content of our film – meaning what I have done and had anything to do with throughout my life to date, is pretty varied and includes:

  • Seeing how a small five year old child (me) lives in the isolation of the outback – sharing with the world how education is provided out there;
  • Seeing how School of the Air is conducted;
  • Learning how the people on the stations in the Australian outback live without the convenience of the towns and cities being close by;
  • Bullying. My six year nightmare at a boarding school (see above) is covered and I understand that an increasing number of people is relating to it;
  • Showcasing much of our spectacular outback scenery;
  • Inspirational – I am a 64 year young female and began all this when I was 55. Yes, I am probably mad but I am absolutely thriving on all this and don’t think I could ever stop. And it’s doing my snort a lot of good too.

I do also wish to thank those of you whom have made suggestions and sent me links to potential sources of funding for the film, apart from straight donations. I have and am following most of these up and couldn’t be more grateful to you all.

There was a house here once. Now all that remains is the fireplace and chimney. Such a normal sight for regional and remote Australia.

As we progress along with pre-production, I am receiving quite a lot of comments etc from various people about how amazing it is that we are making this film. Why are we making it? Apparently, it is different, unique and that nothing quite like it has really been done in the past. I have people asking to come onboard to do anything – many of these people cannot act – they just want to be an extra or simply help out in some way. And many are happy to do this simply for the experience and not to be paid at all. All these names are recorded and I will be in contact with you all sooner or later.

And yes, we have begun auditions. But there is a LONNNNNG way to go so PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME ABOUT THIS. We have a huge list of roles and many of them include the characters in varying ages and situations. So, at this stage, we are actually now looking at early 2021 for filming. So I think it goes without saying that you should take any other roles that may come your way in the interim.

I will say that I am no longer doing all this alone – I have some wonderful people who have come on board to help and again, I could not be more grateful to them. But I am still doing the bulk of it. And, like the entire learning curve, I am finding that absolutely everything is taking much longer than anticipated. I can now see why pre-production, filming and post-production, along with everything else for all films, takes so long. 

Our first audition, mentioned above, was on Saturday and it is the reason that I felt I should mention my snort. Because I did. I laughed and snorted a lot on Saturday. In short, we had a wonderful time and enjoyed ourselves immensely, although we were completely serious and totally professional when we needed to be. This film is about darned hard work AND fun. Lots of fun – lots of both.

So it does seem we are on our way. At this stage, I will ask all of those potential actors from WA who applied through FaceBook – if you have a StarNow profile, can you please send it through to me. Those in SA who applied through the one FaceBook post that I issued I think have sent me their profiles. And the rest of those in SA, also the few from other nations and other states, all responded to the StarNow post so they are fine. 

A few other things have happened but for the moment, they are veiled in secrecy, even for the cast. Let’s just say I am pretty darned excited and really loving this whole experience. 

I will leave you here and I do plan to get another post out in a couple of months – and keep them going.

But in the meantime, if anyone does wish to donate, large or small (the donation I mean) please contact me. Very gratefully received.

Thank you.


The original homestead backed by the ranges on our family station in South Australia.


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