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Things Have Changed – Again

08 Oct 19
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We cannot seem to help ourselves. While both Steve and I did some thinking over the Christmas period and came to the same conclusion, that we scrap the documentary, we both realized how disappointed we were with this decision. So…we met a bit later and have decided to resurrect it – only not having so much involved in it. Probably making it one long trip, lasting about a month and only in WA. We do still want to include as much as possible in it (all the while sharing and showcasing our spectacular outback to those in urban Australia and the rest of the world). However, with preparations for the feature film also well and truly underway, I have also realized that I want to include quite a lot of the highlights that were/are to be shown in the documentary, in the movie. So this we plan to do. I am ‘working’ on the itineraries at the moment.

Yes, the documentary still needs to be funded (and donations are still very welcome – along with the RFDS – Royal Flying Doctor Service, we are also going to try to raise funds for mental health/depression in the outback). However, cutting back on the amount of filming we will be doing for this and instead including it in the movie, will all help with the budgeting. 

We also have a couple of other production companies which are considering coming onboard, in some way or another. One of these is here in Perth and the owner attended our last meeting a couple of weeks ago and hopefully, will continue attending. It is all still part of this mammoth learning curve for me – I am also starting to ‘work’ on the screenplay for the film: ‘No Looking Back’ (working title only, at this stage), adapting the book to screen. Yet another first for me. While I am writing most of the storyline Steve will do the camera bits, since that it all completely alien to me. I am also looking at actors, given that

many of them will have to play me at different ages, from a very young girl, right through to now (and beyond). Locations is another thing, as well as crew, music and so much more. 

I have a few other projects that I am ‘working’ on too. One of these is an anti-bullying TV show (hopefully) on which I am collaborating with a wonderful Canadian actor – who has also (depending on the script, when I have finished writing and perfecting it) agreed to come onboard the feature film mentioned above as a cast member. We are moving along with this show, called ‘Why Me? Bullying – the Untold Stories’. The idea being to give victims of bullying, past and present, from around the world, the chance to actually ‘vent’ – get their story/nightmare off their chests, rather than bottling it up. This can be done completely anonymously or however we can organise it at the time. We are also inviting professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors etc to come on board, be interviewed and hopefully, bring us completely up to date on mental issues. And celebrities – we already have a couple of ‘big names’, who have all-but-agreed to lend us their names, faces and perhaps even allow us to interview them. We are looking for a lot more too.

And there is the chance that I will be writing two more books – one on the magnificent ruin of Witley Court Hall in Worcestershire, England, which I have mentioned previously. I was fortunate enough to have visited this beautiful ruin when I was in the UK in my early 20s – and loved it. Couldn’t get enough of it. And, as with most ruins in the UK, its history is fascinating. I have begun writing this book and plan to get back to it as soon as I can. A second book that is a possibility at this stage is about the biker fundraising group: ‘Bikers on Hogs for Dogs’ – a group of about 20 or so middle aged bikers (not to be confused with bikies) who belong to this group which was founded and now led by Jenny Adams and which raises funds for dogs – and other animals, I presume, although I am still learning about this group. And there is a third book, although I will not be actually writing this one. It is an autobiography about a school friend of mine whom is another whom has an amazing life story to share and I am just helping her to write it and have it published or printed.

Otherwise, I’m not doing much.



1 Comment

  1. Mark September 10, 2022 at 11:10 am Reply

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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